
大学创新英语同步练习2答案及听力原文 | Unit 7

6分钟英语 2022-06-09

Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Section A (5 points)

1. B         2. C         3. D        4. B         5. A      

6. C         7. D         8. C        9. A         10. D

Section B (5 points)

11. date back to         12. led to         13. give way to     14. in danger of

15. regardless of         16. attached to         17. adapt to         18.take advantage of

19. in the name of       20. separated from

Section C (5points)

21. B        22. A        23. B        24. A       25. A

26. A        27. C        28. D        29. C       30. D

Section D (5 points)

31. They feel worried about the safety of the inhabitants who dwell in the dangerous building.

32. Eventually, they reinforced the walls with exterior beams.

33. The layout of the Forbidden City engaged the French architect’s attention.

34. The Summer Palace used to be an admirable royal garden.

35. Cheating in the architecture design contest will degrade you.


Part 2 Listening Comprehension (20 points)

Section A (8 points)

Conversation 1    

36. C        37. B        38. C        39. C    

Conversation 2     

40. C         41. D       42. A        43. B   

Section B (12 points)

Passage 1

44. on the banks      45. white marble             46. beautiful garden        47. Seven Wonders

Passage 2

48. A        49. C        50. A        51. C

Passage 3

52. an hour                            53. 7 Euros and change 

54. turn right and walk down       55. 18 Euros


Part 3 Reading Comprehension (30 points)

Section A (10 points)

56. K        57. M         58. O        59. L         60. C

61. D        62. F         63. H         64. I          65. B

Section B (10 points)

66. A           67. H        68. F       69. D       70. G

71. C          72. E        73. B       74. D        75. F

Section C (10 points)

76.  A       77. C          78. D        79. C        80. B

81. A        82. C        83. D        84. C        85. C


Part 4 Translation (10 points)

As an important part of Chinese traditional culture, Chinese ancient architecture bears many architectural types, mainly including palaces, dwelling houses, temples, gardens, and so on. More than a technical science, Chinese ancient architecture absorbs traditional arts, including Chinese painting and carving, etc. The Forbidden City in Beijing is a representative, which is the largest, finest-designed and best-preserved ancient architecture complex.


Part 5 Writing (20 points)

Section A (10 points)


My University Campus

Welcome to Chongqing University of Science and Technology. It is located in Huxi College Town, Shapingba District of Chongqing City. The campus covers an area of 2,200 mu, with a total building area of more than 600, 000 square meters.

The campus is well planned. When you enter the campus from the South Gate, the landmark building the library appears right in front of you. Facing the library, Humanities and Social Sciences Building stands on the left, while Economics and Management Building is on the right. The Main Teaching Building is behind the library. There are other teaching and office buildings around the library, which along with the buildings mentioned above compose the teaching and office area. Behind this area lies students’ living area, including the dining halls, dormitories, and shopping area which is in the middle of dormitory buildings. Faculty and staff’s living area is on the north end of the campus.

Such campus planning gives a full consideration to the convenience of students’ campus life.


Section B (10 points)


A Tour Guide Presentation of Notre Dame De Paris

Opening Remarks:

Ladies and gentleman, good morning! Welcome to Paris! Please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Kathy. It’s my great honor to be your tour guide today. I will do my best to make your tour pleasant and enjoyable. The first stop is Notre Dame De Paris. Now we’re already at the gate of Notre Dame De Paris. Before we enter the gorgeous building, I’d like to give you a brief introduction to it.


Notre Dame De Paris is situated in the central Paris. The construction of the oldest cathedral started in 12th century. It took almost three centuries to complete the most stunning cathedral construction. The designs and textures used in constructing Notre Dame De Paris are so fine that it is considered as the example of world’s finest French gothic architecture. The innovative use of flying buttress which work as a support system of the whole building, the enormous and colorful rose windows, and the naturalism and abundance of its sculptural decoration all set it apart from earlier Romanesque architecture. Notre-Dame suffered desecration during the French Revolution. Soon after the publication of Victor Hugo’s novel Notre Dame De Paris in 1831, popular interest in the building revived.

Ending Words:

Now let’s enter the building to appreciate it in details.



Audio Scripts

Part 2 Listening Comprehension (20 points)

Section A (8 points)

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which ONE is the best answer.

Conversation 1

M: We have a lot of traditional villages in China, but they are severely damaged.

W: Really? How did you know that?

M: I just read a report of the Traditional Village Protection and Development Research Centre, which said from 2000 to 2010, China lost over 900,000 natural villages.

W: Are the traditional village valuable?

M: Certainly. As He Wei, a famous Chinese architect and artist had ever said, most of China’s ancient architecture could be found within these damaged villages.

W: I know ancient architecture deserves preservation, as it carries history. To preserve it is to protect the culture of a nation and that of human civilization.

M: Exactly! Ancient architecture, just like any other valuable relics from the past, has witnessed the changes throughout China’s history.

W: But now why is it damaged instead of being well protected?

M: Because it’s in the traditional villages, and it’s left unattended.

W: It seems that more attention should be paid to the traditional villages! But what can we do?

M: In my opinion, finding a balance between protection and development, particularly its economic future, is the key.

W: Your mean we must link protection with returns?

M: Yes, I think that’s a good way to push the public to relate themselves to these living relics.


Questions 36 to 39 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  1. 36.     What are the two speakers talking about?

  2. 37.     According to a repor, how many natural villages were lost from 2000 to 2010 in China?

  3. 38.     What does He Wei do?

  4. 39.     What does the man suggest we do?


Conversation 2

M: How was your vacation, Cathy?    

W: Oh, it was great! I had a great time in Egypt!

M: Egypt? You must have seen lots of gorgeous pyramids!

W: Sure! I visited Giza where three Egyptian Kings built their pyramids.

M: Tell me about them. I’m so curious about the mysterious architecture, especially the Great Pyramid.

W: The “Great Pyramid” is the largest pyramid at Giza. It stands 455 feet tall. It was built by the pharaoh Khufu whose reign started from around 2551 B.C.

M: Then how about the other two?

W: The other two are the pyramid of Khafre whose reign started around 2520 B.C. and the pyramid of Menkaure whose reign started around 2490 B.C.

M: Khafre? Is he the pharaoh the face of the Sphinx was modelled after?

W: Yes. Many scholars believe so. The Sphinx monument lies near Khafre’s pyramid. Khafre’s pyramid is only slightly smaller than Khufu’s but stood on higher ground.

M: Then Menkaure’s pyramid should be the smallest of Giza pyramids?

W: Exactly. It’s only 215 feet high.

M: How I wish I could visit Giza one day!

W: Plan it for the next vacation!


Questions 40 to 43 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  1. 40.     How many Egyptian Kings built their pyramids at Giza?

  2. 41.     How tall is Khufu’s pyramid?

  3. 42.     When did Menkaure’s reign started?

  4. 43.     Who is the pharaoh many scholars believe the face of the Sphinx was modelled after?


Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages.

Passage 1

Directions: In this passage, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have      just heard.

The Taj Mahal is a beautiful monument built in 1631 by an Emperor named Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. It is situated   44. on the banks   of river Yamuna at Agra, India. It looks beautiful in the moonlight. The Taj Mahal is made up of   45. white marble  . In front of the monument, there is a   46. beautiful garden   known as the Charbagh. Inside the monument, there are two tombs. These tombs are of Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is considered as one of the   47. Seven Wonders   of the World. Many tourists come to see this beautiful structure from different parts of the world.


Passage 2

Directions: In this passage, four questions will be asked about what was said. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

After 11 years of work to haul it closer to the vertical, the Leaning Tower of Pisa will reopen to visitors in November, Italy’s Public Works Minister Nerio Nesi said Friday.

The 12th-century tower, one of Italy’s most famous images, was closed in 1990 because it was deemed to be leaning too far for tourists to climb safely.

Michele Jamiolkowski, head of the team straightening the tower--but not by too much--said the lean had been reduced by 39.6 centimeters (15.59 inches) so far and the eight-story edifice should be nudged back another four millimeters (0.1575 inch) over the next few days.

“Eleven years of work are not that much when you consider it took 200 to build the monument in the first place,” Nesi said.

The team of straightening the tower pulled the tower back using huge lead counterweights and said the work should keep the building, which stands apart from the main body of Pisa’s cathedral, safe for the next 300 years.


Questions 48 to 51 are based on the passage you have just heard.

48.     How long did it take to repair the Leaning Tower of Pisa? 

  1. 49.     Why was the Leaning Tower of Pisa closed?

  2. 50.     How tall is the Leaning Tower?

  3. 51.     What work did the team of straightening the Tower do?


Passage 3

Directions: In this passage, four questions will be asked about what was said. After you hear a question, complete the answer with no more than three words.

The Palace of Versailles is an hour by RER from Paris. There are trains running quite frequently from Paris. The Notre Dame station is a good one to catch this train. For 7 Euros and change, you can get a round trip ticket to Versailles. Look for trains to Versailles-Rive Gauche.

At Versailles, once you step out of the station turn right and walk down for a few minutes, you’ll see the Palace on your left. It’s really hard to miss.

At the entrance of the Palace is a status of Louis XIV on a magnificent horse, letting you know that you have arrived someplace special!

The entrance fee is 18 euros for a Passport, which includes the Palace, the gardens as well as entrances to Marie Antoinette’s estates and the Trianon. If you’re interested in just the Palace, you can buy the 15 Euro ticket. Personally, since there isn’t such a big difference in rates, if you plan to stay all day, I’d say the Passport is the best option. Oh it also includes the use of an audio guide which I believe is invaluable in the visit.

The audio guide takes you room by room, explaining the history and the stories behind the lives of those who lived here. From the regal apartments to the lavish bedchambers, from the gorgeous hall of mirrors to the dining room where apparently the courtiers looked on while the royal family dined.


Questions 52 to 55 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  1. 52.     How long does it take to go from Paris to the Palace of Versailles by RER?

  2. 53.     How much is a round trip ticket from The Notre Dame station to Versailles?

  3. 54.     How can you get to the Palace of Versailles when you step out of Versailles-Rive Gauche?

  4. How much do you pay for a passport and the use of an audio guide?


